After a long flight from Jacksonville to Minneapolis and a three hour drive up to Wadena, Papa Jim was EXHAUSTED. As the boys put on their pj's, Papa Jim laid on the couch and fell fast asleep.
Every year we purchase the gingerbread house kit and the boys and I enjoying frosting and placing each candy piece on the house. This year Justin actively participated and concentrated very hard on putting his candy in just the right spot! The best part? They always enjoy their finished creation and that's what it's all about!
Look what Mom and I subjected Justin to....sitting and posing with Poor Pitiful Pearl. Pearl is my mom's childhood doll. I also played with her endlessly as a little girl. We found her in a drawer and thought to ourselves "Wonder what Justin would think of her?" Let's just say he pacified us for the photos but that was it. I guess Justin didn't fall in love with her little homely self like my Mom and I did. ;)
"First the horsey walks, then the horsey trots, then the horsey GALLOPS!" Justin loves, loves, loves this game/ride on Nana's lap - can't you tell by the all-out grin and giggles!
Mom did a wonderful job of picking out the tree, putting the tree in her truck (all by herself!), hauling it in the house and decorating it. I helped mom with a few other decorations once we arrived (over the archways, banisters,etc...) and it really made the house festive and fun.
Justin and I headed up to Wadena the weekend before Christmas. The morning of Dad's birthday we "Skyped" him on the computer as he was still down in Florida. Justin always enjoys seeing Papa Jim and I think it was a wonderful start to Dad's birthday!