Not the best pictures but our little guy was so pooped after his 12 month checkup (must have been the 3 shots-ouch!) that I could only get these. Oh-well. He's doing great and growing so fast! He's 27 lbs and 32 inches - BIG BOY!
We celebrated my friend & coworker Tina's birthday tonight! She was thrilled with her gift from Tiffani and I - Dance Dance Revolution for her new Wii. We stopped by her parent's house to say hi to her kids (adorable Ava pictured here!) and then her dad was kind of enough to be our chauffeur for the night! We had such a fun night - good dinner, music and lots of dancing. Look forward to our next Girls Night Out (although a little less on the shots ladies....)!!!
Aunt Karen made Justin the bunny cake for his 1st birthday - it turned out so cute! He dove right into it once it was placed in front of him. Fistfuls of cake one after another...he ate the bunny's ear off!
We celebrated Justin's 1st Birthday at Aunt Diane and Uncle Greg's house. He's officially 1 on March 24th but with everyone gathered for Easter it was the perfect party. I can't believe that one year has already passed so quickly. We have been blessed with an amazing little boy who brings so much joy to us.