Justin Matthew turned 7 months old on October 24th! Before I realized it was time to take his "monthly birthday" picture...he was fast asleep! Oh-well...they are still cute pictures.
He's a pro at rolling over now, has two bottom teeth (the top ones should soon be here) and he is DEFINITELY finding his voice (as he loves to squeal at the top of his lungs!) He's working on trying to sit up on his own...but I think his chubby little body is a bit hard for him to handle. Ha!
He thinks his big brother, Michael, is the best thing ever and watches him constantly. Justin LOVES our dog, Porter, and squeals with delight whenever he is near. Justin is really starting to "jump" with those little chubster legs...it's so fun to watch.
It's hard to believe that 7 months has already passed...and it's hard to imagine our family without this amazing little boy.