This past Saturday, little man Justin, gave his Momma a good scare...and a ride in an ambulance. I had just taken him out of his swing and was getting ready to change him and feed him. I laid him on his changing table and he was still drowsy...I took off his diaper and then all of a sudden his little eyes shot wide open and he started gasping for air! I immediately picked him up, took his bulb syringe and began sucking out the sides of his mouth. It only lasted for about 20-30 seconds (but felt like HOURS!) and by the time I was in the living room and talking with 911 he had begun to cry a bit. Fire Dept and paramedics were on the scene within minutes...he still looked pretty rough when Kevin showed up 1/2 hour later...little red eyes, blotchy skin...you could tell he had gone through something not so fun. :(
We took him down to Children's Hospital and all checked out fine. The doctor figures (hopefully) that it was a fluke thing where possibly some old formula had worked it's way up his throat and he had a hard time getting it out. Since little ones don't really have any experience with how to cough hard enough...they choke. He said his own body figures things out though and kicks into gear...my sucking efforts probably didn't do much...though it made me feel like I was doing something to help the poor little guy out.
Anyways, I'm just starting to calm down a bit now...it was really scary but all is good. The pictures here are from earlier that morning...my little boys growing up way too fast.