We spent Memorial Day weekend up in Wadena at my mom and dad's house...or as Michael refers to it "Nana and Papa Jim's House". He loves going up there and just recently said to me "I want to sleep in my little bed at Nana and Papa Jim's house in Wadena." (His "little bed" is a bunch of blankets laid on the floor ... and he LOVES it! Go figure.) I told him we'd be returning soon...in just a few short weeks my parents will be coming from Florida for a visit.
When we first got there we met up with Aunt Judy and Uncle John and Aunt Bev and Uncle Kelly...it was great seeing them and also introducing them to our newest addition. My Uncle Kelly LOVES babies so was very excited to get to hold Justin. :)
There is no TV up at the Wadena house so we spent lots of time playing outside, going for walks and going to Tapley's Park. We also were able to spend time with one of my oldest and dearest friends Jil and her family...she has two adorable daughters Jane and KatieRae (unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of them...next time!)
I have to say thank goodness though for our portable Sony PSP player and the laptop. We were able to keep Michael entertained when we weren't outside and give us a little break by playing some of his favorite movies...Toy Story, Robots, Peter Pan and Bugs Bunny kept him happy.
Our last day in Wadena was perfect kite flying weather so we took our little inexpensive Shrek kite and amazingly this was a first not only for Michael but for me as well! I had never flown a kite before!! Michael held on for all of about 2 seconds and then was happy to hand over the reins to Daddy. (It was so windy that it was really tough for him to hold on!)
All in all, it was a wonderful holiday weekend and we always are a bit more relaxed and happy when leaving Wadena...it does that for ya! :)